팜플렛 다운로드

07:00-07:50 Registration
07:50-07:55 Opening Address 강승백 대한슬관절학회 회장
07:55-08:00 Welcome Address 서정탁 부산울산경남지회 회장
Session 1. Ligaments (1) 좌장: 김정만, 서정탁
08:00-08:08  Update on ACL tunnel placement: How to hit the target 이용석 (서울의대)
08:08-08:16  ACL graft selection: Decision-making factors 민경대 (순천향의대)
08:16-08:24  Return to play after ACLR: When and how? 최종혁 (연세의대)
08:24-08:32 Pediatric ACL injury: We should not make them wait 왕준호 (성균관의대)
08:32-08:42 Discussion
Session 2. Ligaments (2) 좌장: 정영복, 이명철
08:42-08:50 Adding anterolateral stability: How, why and when to do it? 윤경호 (경희의대)
08:50-08:58 Revision ACL reconstruction: What you need to prepare 경희수 (경북의대)
08:58-09:06 Update on PCL reconstruction: Do we have consensus on treatment strategies? 황선철 (경상의대)
09:06-09:16 Discussion
Session 3. Panel Discussion #1: Failed ligament reconstruction: From where did it go wrong?
How will you manage it?좌장: 우영균, 김형수
09:16-09:50 문찬웅 (서울부민병원), 서영진 (한림의대),
이대희 (성균관의대), 왕립 (동아의대)
09:50-10:10 Coffee Break
Session 4. Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty (1) 좌장: 배대경, 송은규
10:10-10:18 Recent evolution in prosthesis design and material: Has an ideal come true? 고인준 (가톨릭의대)
10:18-10:26 Issues on TKA alignment: The rationale and the reality 최의성 (충북의대)
10:26-10:34 Soft tissue balancing in severe varus / valgus knee 최영준 (울산의대)
10:34-10:42 Technologies to optimize componenet positioning: Navigation, PSI, Robotics and Sensor-assisted thechnique. Where are they now? 송상준 (경희의대)
10:42-10:52 Discussion
Session 5. Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty (2)좌장: 이기병, 이주홍
10:52-11:00 Preoperative planning, medical clearance, and patient preconditioning for primary TKA: Updated perspect 이한준 (중앙의대)
11:00-11:08 Perioperative blood management for primary TKA: Not an option, but a must 한승범 (고려의대)
11:08-11:16 Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pathway for primary TKA 장종범 (서울의대)
11:16-11:24 Outcome assessment after TKA: Do we have a consensus? 최충혁 (한양의대)
11:24-11:34 Discussion
Session 6. Panel Discussion #2 : Primary TKA: Decision making for challenging cases 좌장: 서재곤, 이범구
11:34-12:08 김종민 (울산의대), 김창완 (인제의대),
Luncheon Symposium좌장: 전철홍, 정화재
12:08-13:08 왕립 (동아의대)
Presidential Lecture좌장: 강승백
13:08-13:38 Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 이주홍 (전북의대)
Session 7. Osteotomy & UKA좌장: 김경택, 빈성일
13:38-13:46 Current indications for Osteotomy & UKA: Preferred situations for each technique 인용 (가톨릭의대)
13:46-13:54 Addressing cartilage, meniscus or ligament problem combined with HTO: When and how to do? 나경욱 (인제의대)
13:54-14:02 Obtaining the best result, avoiding the complication: Fixed or mobile-bearing UKA 김경태 (서울성심병원)
14:02-14:10 Conversion of HTO, UKA to TKA: What you need to prepare 송무호 (동의의료원)
14:10-14:20 Discussion
Session 8. Panel Discussion #3 : Failure after osteotomy / UKA: From where did it go wrong?
How will you manage it? 좌장: 임홍철, 조성도
14:20-14:54 김석중 (가톨릭의대), 안지현 (동국의대),
노정호 (강원의대), 최원철 (차의대)
14:54-15:14 Coffee Break
Session 9. Cartilage / Meniscus / Patellofemoral (1)좌장: 손승원, 김명구
15:14-15:22 Updated algorithm for decision making in cartilage repair 고해석 (가톨릭의대)
15:22-15:30 Cell-based cartilage repair: What we have learned from the evidences 하철원 (성균관의대)
15:30-15:38 Arthroscopic treatment for degenerative knee: Does it work? Factors affecting the decision-making 윤정로 (보훈병원)
15:38-15:46 Long-term result of meniscectomy, meniscal repair and meniscal transplantation: Can we prevent early OA? 최남홍 (을지의대)
15:46-15:56 Discussion
Session 10. Cartilage / Meniscus / Patellofemoral (2)좌장: 노권재, 최남용
15:56-16:04 Evolving technologies for meniscus substitution 김영모 (충남의대)
16:04-16:12 Comprehensive workup for patellofemoral instability 배기철 (계명의대)
16:12-16:20 MPFL Reconstruction: Is there any gold-standard? 유재두 (이화의대)
16:20-16:28 Any surgery other than MPFL reconstruction: When and how? 심재앙 (가천의대)
16:28-16:38 Discussion
Session 11. Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 좌장: 조세현, 서승석
16:38-16:46 Diagnosis & management of PJI: Steps to success 김재균 (고려의대)
16:46-16:54 Management of instability / stiffness: State of the art options 문영완 (성균관의대)
16:54-17:02 Management of extensor mechanism failure: State of the art options 유주형 (일산병원)
17:02-17:10 Management of periprosthetic fracture: State of the art options 김강일 (경희의대)
17:10-17:20 Discussion
Session 12. Panel Discussion #4 : Revision of the revision: How will you overcome this difficulty? 좌장: 조우신, 이동철
17:20-17:54 손욱진 (영남의대), 김동휘 (조선의대),
한혁수 (서울의대)
17:54-18:00 Adjournment 강승백 대한슬관절학회 회장